How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?

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    In the United States, without insurance, the cost of wisdom teeth removal ranges from $100-$600 per tooth. However, this is just the cost of the wisdom tooth removal; it does not include the cost of anesthesia, consultation, x-rays and after surgery antibiotics and pain medications. Without insurance, the cost of wisdom teeth removal including all the post surgery tests and consultations, wisdom tooth extraction and post surgery medication, can be as much as $1500 per tooth. Dental consultation and x-rays for wisdom tooth removal costs around $300. Anesthesia for wisdom teeth removal costs from $40-$400. Dental surgery for wisdom tooth removal costs $100-$600 per tooth. Patients can save money by having multiple teeth removed at once. The cost of wisdom tooth removal is more for impacted wisdom teeth than the cost is for teeth that are not impacted. The cost of wisdom teeth removal for impacted teeth is $100-$650 more than the cost is for non-impacted teeth. Wisdom teeth removal cost varies per location and dental clinic. Dental insurance covers from 15%-100% of wisdom teeth removal costs, depending on the insurance plan.

    How Much Does It Cost To Have Wisdom Teeth Removed?

    The cost to remove wisdom teeth varies per location and dental office. The cost of wisdom teeth removal without insurance ranges from $100-$600 per tooth. However, wisdom teeth removal cost is increased by the cost of dental consultation, x-rays, anesthesia, and post surgery antibiotics and pain medication. Dental consultation, x-rays, anesthesia and post surgery medication costs $300-$1000. The cost of wisdom tooth removal is more for impacted wisdom teeth than the cost is for non-impacted wisdom teeth. Some of the cost to remove wisdom teeth is covered by most insurance plans; however, the percentage covered varies per insurance company and plan. Insurance companies cover anywhere from 15%-100% of the cost to remove wisdom teeth.

    The Average Cost Of Wisdom Teeth Removal

    The average cost of wisdom teeth removal is about $200-$300 a tooth; however, the average cost varies depending on how difficult the tooth is to remove, if the tooth is impacted or not and what anesthesia is used. The average cost of wisdom teeth removal is increased by the necessary dental consultations, anesthesia, x-rays and post surgery medications. The average cost of dental consultations and x-rays is around $300. The average cost of anesthesia is around $100-$200. Including pre-surgery dental consultations, X-rays, anesthesia and post-surgery medications, the average cost of wisdom teeth removal without insurance is around $1000.

    Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

    The cost of impacted wisdom teeth removal is more than the cost of non-impacted wisdom teeth removal. The cost of impacted wisdom tooth removal varies depending on what procedure is used to remove the impacted teeth. There are four common procedures that dentists use to remove impacted wisdom teeth: soft tissue, partial bony impaction, full bony impaction and non-surgical wisdom tooth extraction. A soft tissue impaction is for partially erupted wisdom teeth; it costs $225-$400 per tooth, plus $40-$500 for anesthesia. A partial bony impaction is used when the crown of the impacted tooth is stuck in the jawbone; it costs $275-$450 per tooth, plus $40-$500 for anesthesia. A full bony impaction is used when the impacted wisdom tooth is fully enclosed in the jawbone; it costs $325-$500 per tooth, plus $40-$500 for anesthesia. A non-surgical wisdom tooth extraction is done when the impacted wisdom tooth can be extracted easily; it costs $100-$200. Impacted wisdom teeth removal cost varies per location and dental clinic. The cost of the procedure may be fully covered or partial covered by dental or health insurance.

    Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost With Insurance

    Wisdom teeth removal cost with insurance varies per insurance company and plan. Insurance companies cover anywhere from 15%-100% of the costs incurred. With insurance, the average cost of wisdom teeth removal is around $50 -$100 per tooth. With insurance, the average cost of wisdom tooth removal consultations and x-rays is around $50-$100. With insurance, the average cost of anesthesia is around $50. Patients should contact their insurance company to find out exactly what type of coverage they offer.

    Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost Without Insurance

    Wisdom teeth removal cost without insurance ranges from $100-$600 per tooth. The cost varies per location and dental clinic. In addition, the cost varies depending on how difficult the tooth is to remove and if the tooth is impacted or not. Including pre-surgery dental consultations, X-rays, anesthesia and post-surgery medications, the average cost of wisdom teeth removal without insurance is around $1000.

    Dental Insurance For Wisdom Teeth Removal

    Wisdom teeth removal insurance coverage is included in some insurance plans, but not all. Insurance varies per insurance company and plan. Some insurance plans cover 100% of wisdom teeth removal cost, some insurance plans cover 80%, while a few insurance plans only cover 15%. A few insurance companies do not offer wisdom teeth insurance coverage. Patients should contact their insurance company to find out exactly what type of coverage they offer. Most insurance companies do not cover pre-existing conditions and will not cover wisdom teeth removal cost if purchased after the dentist has diagnosed the need for the procedure.

    Do Wisdom Teeth Have To Be Removed?

    Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed; however, if the wisdom teeth are causing pain, overcrowding the other teeth and possibly moving other teeth out of place, has a cavity or infection or are causing any other problems they should be removed as soon as possible. Wisdom teeth are usually removed when people are young adults, but can be removed later in life.

    Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

    Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to grow in and many people need to have them removed due to them causing them pain and other problems. Not all people need to have their wisdom teeth removed, but wisdom teeth that are crowding other teeth, growing in wrong, causing pain or are infected should be removed. People should see their dentist if they have pain, swelling or tenderness in their jaw or gums, chronic bad breath, headache, jaw ache, swollen glands or problems opening their mouth fully.

    Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

    Wisdom teeth removal recovery takes a few days or even a week or two. People should expect pain and swelling after wisdom teeth removal. Most people require at least a couple of days off school or work after having their wisdom teeth removed. During the first 24 hours after wisdom tooth removal surgery, patients should expect some bleeding, and facial swelling and pain. Patients should use ice to help reduce swelling after the surgery. Depending on the pain, some patients can simply use an over the counter pain medication, while others require a prescription. Most patients will have antibiotics prescribed to them to prevent any infections. Patients will need to have a liquid or soft diet for at least the first day after surgery.

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